Friday, November 5, 2010


It's one of the yummiest noodle soup I ever tasted! I don't know how they make it but it must be the herbs and the broth. No wonder why most of the Vietnamese are so skinny. I can live here easily!
The central shopping district of Vietnam. Lined with high-end signature brands. I prefer the Ben Than Market though where you will get all the signature brands at the least possible cost. Are they original? It's for you to find out.

The old post office. It retains the the facade of Gothic architectural style. Constructed under the French Indochina influence by Gustave Eiffel.

No matter how we tried to pose like locals, we can never capture the authenticity of a real Vietnamese. Very much engraved in their psyche is the experience of the past. Wounds have already healed, but the scars are still visible. Scar that no adobe photoshop can erase.


The Thai's are very much like Pinoys in physical features. While this picture was taken in a cultural show, I wondered what if we didn't exchange our "bilaos" with ceramic china and kyowa, would the Pinoys be as much successful as the Thais?

At the Floating Market, you'll find all the sweetest fruits in Bangkok. I've eaten almost all available fruits and I have yet to taste something that's bland. I wonder how they make their fruits so sweet and juicy. I later learned that the Thailand's king himself personally researches on ways on how to improve the crops. He does it inside the palace's garden and finally shares the secret to his people.

A modern-day monk who maximize the use of technology to reach out to the temple members. Who says you can't use your cellphone inside the temple?

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I'm surprised to see a mountain the Philippines that has the colors of autumn. I later learned that the nipa grasses covering the mountains are drying up in the summer giving the place a different feel. It's like being instantly transported in a totally different country.

As our boat docks by the shore of Anawangin Cove, I caught myself in awe as the beach is lined with full-grown pine trees! Apart from Kota Kinabalu, this is the only beach I've seen that grows pines rather than palms by the shore.

There are no hotels nor electricity on the beach so the visitors have to use tents. This reminded me of my boy's scout days where we have to do camping.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Bamboo Balsa. Is the origin of the modern-day kayak. Paddle your way accross the cool blue river flowing from the mountains. In it's stillness, you can hear the chirping of birds nesting on top of the coconut trees.

Have a glimpse of the historical dances of the Philippines centuries before the collonialism. Most of the native dances mimic the movements of nature: birds, wind, water, butterflies, etc. You'll also notice that for every important event in the life of a Filipino, there is always an appropriate type of dance to go with it. No wonder, Filipinos are among the happiest people in the world.

Guests get to have their authentic Filipino lunch by the river. Freshly grilled tilapia, karekare, dinuguan, and adobo are among the top favorites. Have a sweet ending with banana fritters and native jellies topped with freshly squeezed coconut milk.
Highten your lunch experience while your feet are soaked in a cool spring water flowing down Mount Banahaw.